Let Dr. Herbert Schneider, Dr. Rachel Jacobs & Dr. Uri N Schneider Help You Prevent Dental Issues
As your preferred dentists in the Dumont, NJ, area, we take great care to make sure that we offer you the most up-to-date prevention methods possible to keep your teeth and gums healthy. A few of the preventive dentistry techniques we commonly apply are sealants, oral pathology exams and occlusal adjustments.
Sealants are used as a way to prevent caries (cavities) in areas such as back molars. The sealant is applied over the cleaned, sanitized and dried tooth to provide a barrier against aggressive bacteria colonies. While sealants do not last forever, they can last many years. For children who are prone to tooth decay, sealants can be used to protect baby teeth until stronger adult teeth replace them.
At each dental check-up, our team members will perform an oral pathology exam. This is a non-invasive procedure using a tool to explore the mouth for any signs of cancerous or pre-cancerous cells or activity. Dental professionals can be the first doctors to discover oral cancer; if we find anything of concern, we urge you to visit your family physician or an oncologist for further examination.
Occlusal adjustments are not always necessary, but for some patients, they provide a great deal of relief from the pain of a bite that is not aligned properly. The dentist will gently smooth out the tops of certain teeth so that the bite more naturally fits. Candidates for occlusal adjustments may also be candidates for mouth guards worn at night to stop the teeth from grinding against each other.