Why TMJ Causes So Many Problems
TMJ does not just cause dental problems; in fact, this condition can cause a wealth of issues affecting different parts of an individual’s life. For instance, those with TMJ are more likely to:
- Grind their teeth, especially during sleep
- Wake in the morning with headaches & jaw pain
- Suffer from chronic headaches during the day
- Have trouble getting a restful night’s sleep
- Feels like their jaw “locks” in place when opening
- Hear clicking sounds when the jaw moves
- Suffer from a misaligned bite and poor tooth health due to increased incidence of cavities
TMJ can be corrected or, at the very least, managed. Lifestyle changes, such as not taking large bites when eating, can help. So can certain dental devices, including specially-created mouth guards worn at night. These guards help keep the jaw from clenching or closing tightly, allowing the TMJ sufferer to sleep comfortably without
tooth grinding.